2 Steps Green Tea Diet Plan & Does It Really Work? – Tea Culture of the World Skip to content

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Presenting, The Green Tea Diet Plan

Presenting, The Green Tea Diet Plan

Not a big fan of rigorous work out sessions? Hate dieting that requires you to cut down on your favorite food? Tired of googling which food aids in weight loss and which doesn't? Don't want to go out on a fancy dinner and munch on salads while the rest dig into mouthwatering platters? But also wish to be healthier and happier? Wish granted! Presenting the green tea diet plan! Meeting your fitness goals is now much easier with green tea being a part of your regime. You no longer have to push yourself harder than necessary to see the results.

Green tea has been considered as a healthy weight loss aid for as long as one can remember. Packed with antioxidants and healthy compounds, this beverage can help you shed kgs faster with less effort. Owing to the many green tea health benefits, it has found its rightful place in diet plans all around the world. The green tea benefits for skin are responsible for its ever-increasing popularity.

What is the green tea diet plan?

The green tea diet plan involves sipping on 4 green tea cuppas daily- a cup of green tea, first thing in the morning followed by a cup before every meal of the day. This simple diet plan does not require you to limit your food choices so you can eat anything and everything you like. It's also important to remember that as many health benefits as it has, Green tea is not a one-man army. The 2-step plan should be paired with a strict exercise routine to achieve optimum results.

Unlike other diet plans, here the drill is simple

Step 1 - Wake up drink a cup of green tea:

Green tea contains caffeine in mild amounts that helps you do away with the morning daze. Start your day by drinking an 8-ounce cup of green tea. The antioxidants and vitamins will keep a check on your immune system so you feel refreshed all day. Hot or cold, you can brew the cuppa your way.

Step 2 - Drink a cup of green tea before every meal:

Drinking a cup of tea right before a meal helps make you feel more full. If your stomach is full of green tea, you will refrain from overeating and hence, will consume fewer calories. So, your second cup of green tea should come right before you eat breakfast. Consuming a cup before each meal helps to streamline digestion and improve fat burning.

This green tea diet doesn't restrict you from having more than four cups of green tea per day. Experts recommend keeping green tea to 5 or 6 cups per day. Incorporate the above in your fitness regime and see the green tea diet before and after results for yourself.


Is green tea good for skin?

Being home to wonderful healing properties, it is one of the most simple, harmless yet effective remedies for skin care. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea make it an effective treatment for acne and oily skin. It helps reduce redness and irritation of the skin, paving the way for a smooth, more even complexion. Caffeine and tannins in green tea help shrink blood vessels around the eyes, making it a miracle for treating puffy eyes and dark circles. Green tea works like a charm when it comes to skin de-puffing and brightening. Green tea is rich in an antioxidant known as EGCG, a potent ingredient that minimises the signs of aging.

Can I drink green tea in morning empty stomach?

Having a cup of green tea in the morning can work wonders if you consume it along with your breakfast or after meals. You could also indulge in a cup 30-60 minutes after the meal, or a cup or two before your work-out session. Packed with antioxidants and healthy compounds, this beverage can help you shed kgs faster with less effort, making it a popular weight loss aid.

Is green tea anti aging?

Green tea is rich in an antioxidant known as EGCG, a potent ingredient that minimises the signs of aging. Caffeine and tannins in green tea help shrink blood vessels around the eyes, making it a miracle for treating puffy eyes and dark circles. Green tea works like a charm when it comes to skin de-puffing and brightening. Its skin care benefits make it a promising, all-natural remedy for a youthful glow.

Can green tea cause hair fall?

No, on the contrary, it helps keep your hair healthy and lustrous. One of the primary reasons for hair loss is stress. Green tea brews have a calming effect on your senses and help curb your anxiety and stress, saving your hair from the final downfall. In fact, some studies show that Green tea can even promote hair regrowth. You can also rinse your hair with brewed green tea after shampooing and conditioning your hair.

Does green tea clean your stomach?

Yes, keeping your digestive system in check is one of the many benefits of Green tea. The antioxidants present in the brews strengthen your immune system, keeping recurrent illnesses at bay. You can drink a cup 30-60 minutes after the meal, or a cup or two before your work-out session.

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