Start Your Day With Detox Tea To Boost Metabolism & Loose Weight – Tea Culture of the World Skip to content

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Start Your Detox Journey With Tea Culture Of The World

Start Your Detox Journey With Tea Culture Of The World

A new year comes with the privilege of starting fresh- a chance for you to make new memories and most of all develop new habits for a healthier, happier you! Imagine this- the first day of the year, you standing by the window in the early morning, witnessing the dawn take over the dark with your hands wrapped around a cup of the most healthy tea! Doesn't this sound like a good start to a healthy and happy year? And if your resolution is to detox this year, then you are in the right place!

Our Signature Blend, Detox, is a delicious brew that cleanses your body. With the modern lifestyle that you lead, it is necessary to eliminate toxins from your body and cleanse your system. This special blend of green tea, lemongrass, ginger, dandelion, liquorice and burdock makes a potent brew that disposes the toxins, making you feel light and fresh. It is rich in antioxidants, making you look and feel younger. Rejuvenate with a cup of our highest selling tea once a week to feel light and refreshed.

Green tea health benefits

Sourced from the finest tea estates of Vietnam, our green tea loose leaves are a powerhouse of health that detoxes the body and helps you stay fresh through the day. The Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea benefits your spirit-this emerald infusion is made from tea leaves grown under shade and embodies a meditative and spiritual style. It helps increase focus during meditation, thereby enhancing one’s spiritual life.

Green tea benefits for hair

Who doesn't desire healthy hair? Green Tea is the simplest solution for maintaining healthy hair! It is rich in catechins, which help to reduce dihydro-testosterone (DTH), responsible for hair loss. As a result, green tea stops hair fall and promotes hair regeneration. It also fights dryness of the scalp and dandruff.

Benefits of green tea for skin

Green tea contains a powerful antioxidant called EGCG that fights DNA damage from UV rays to prevent skin cancer. It also helps shrink blood vessels around the eyes, treating puffy eyes and dark circles. Green tea for acne prevention is a must in your skincare routine. It is a powerful antibacterial agent for unclogging pores and treating acne.


What kind of tea is good for detox?

Different detox teas bring you wellness in their own special way. Of them all, Green tea is the most popular as a detox beverage. Our Detox tea blend is a delicious brew that cleanses your body. This special blend of green tea, lemongrass, ginger, dandelion, liquorice and burdock makes a potent brew that disposes the toxins, making you feel light and fresh. It is rich in antioxidants, making you look and feel younger.

Do detox teas really work?

Yes, detox teas help cleanse your system like no other! Our Detox tea blend is a delicious brew that cleanses your body. This special blend of green tea, lemongrass, ginger, dandelion, liquorice and burdock makes a potent brew that disposes the toxins, making you feel light and fresh. It is rich in antioxidants, making you look and feel younger.

What do detox teas do to your body?

Detox teas are known to flush toxins out of your body. In addition, they contain ingredients that have diuretic or laxative properties. Some of the teas also have caffeine in them, which can also act as a diuretic. Diuretics trigger the body to expel water. They can make you lose what's known as 'water weight'. Detox teas may also have a laxative effect, speeding food through your digestive tract.

Does green tea clean your stomach?

For centuries now, Green tea has been regarded as a wellness notion. To add to this, today it is also a part of diet plans across the world. It has been well-known as a natural remedy for diarrhea and infection from Helicobacter pylori, a strain of bacteria that can cause stomach pain, nausea, and bloating. It may relieve other stomach issues as well.

Does detoxing make you lose weight?

Green tea is an all-natural way to ensure higher metabolism, stronger immunity against illnesses and a calm spirit! It is also popular as a healthy weight loss aid. Packed with antioxidants and healthy compounds, this beverage can help you shed kgs faster with less effort. Being home to wonderful healing properties, it serves as an all-natural remedy.

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