7 Proven Ginger Tea Benefits You Must Know & How To Make It – Tea Culture of the World Skip to content

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Wellness Is A Warm Cup Away: Ginger Tea Benefits

Wellness Is A Warm Cup Away: Ginger Tea Benefits

Ours is an exotic country where spices are the way of life! Each one exists to heal our mind, body and soul, and enchants us with its powerful flavor and aroma. The most humble of them all is the good ol’ ginger. You’ll notice its soothing presence in the Masala Chai brewed in every other Indian home. Each time illnesses like cold, flu or stomach ailments knock on our door, the many Ginger tea benefits come to our rescue and nurse us back to good health!

Nothing can ward off the chill of a cold winter’s day better than a cup of Ginger Classic by Tea Culture of the World. Crushed ginger lends spice and flavour to the robustness of black tea, creating a balanced and well-rounded blend. The two complement each other so well, that this flavored black tea has become a favourite across India over the years. This earthy, spicy brew is perfect to get you charged up for the day ahead!

Ginger Tea Benefits

A cup of Ginger Classic can help keep illnesses at bay as you go on to seize the day! Most of us have already experienced the quick, soothing relief brought to us by ginger tea in case of an upset stomach. The lesser known fact is that it also helps increase satiety and strengthens the digestive system. To make the brews even healthier, you can add a dash of lemon to them. Lemon ginger tea benefits bring you relief from nausea and aches, boost your immunity, and may reduce the risk of cardiovascular and liver diseases.

Moreover, the ‘ginger tea benefits for skin’ list is quite an interesting one as well. The antioxidants present in ginger makes it an all-natural remedy for anti-aging routines. They increase collagen production, reduce skin damage, and inflammation. Ginger has also been known to reduce the appearance of dark skin blotches (hyperpigmentation).

The Best Time to Drink Ginger Tea

Ginger tea can bring you good health no matter when you choose to drink it throughout the day. Most tea connoisseurs drink it in morning as it makes for an energising start to their day. But, drinking a cup after heavy meals can help with better digestion. If you are wondering when to drink ginger tea for weight loss; know that to some extent ginger tea can help with weight loss, but it is more well-known as a remedy for stomach ailments.

Ginger Tea Recipe

Here’s a simple, yet soul-stirring recipe for one cup of Ginger Classic tea:

  • Pour a cupful of water into a saucepan.
  • Add milk and sugar as per your taste; bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of our Ginger Classic tea leaves; bring the mixture to a boil again.
  • Lower the flame and let it simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Switch off the flame and strain the tea into a cup.
  • Enjoy your hot, aromatic brew.

Buy Premium Ginger Tea from Tea Culture of the World

Wellness lies at the heart of every brew curated by Tea Culture of the World! Our Ginger Classic tea blend spices up your tea experiences like no other. Enjoy its many health benefits and let the aroma take you to your happy place, every time you brew a warm cup.

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