7 Green Tea Benefits for Skin Everyone is talking about – Tea Culture of the World Skip to content

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7 Green Tea Benefits for Skin Everyone is talking about

7 Green Tea Benefits for Skin Everyone is talking about

Green tea is a different type of tea extracted from a particular green tree that was first originated in China. Green teas are of different tastes and all the tastes are caused by their processing procedures not essentially it has different plant types. Besides its usability as a drink, it has been used as a skincare substance for many years.

Yes, green tea is very beneficial for skin, because it has distinctive agents beneficial to human skin. Green tea leaves extract is used for skin care. There exists anticancer ingredients in green tea that is known as Catechins. These Catechins have another particular anti-inflammatory function for our skin. Green tea is simultaneously beneficial when someone drinks or applies it to their skin. When you apply it to your skin then it works in a way and when you drink it then it has another health function. Green tea whitens your skin by removing spots and blemishes from your skin. It also lightens skin as it contains vitamin C. From the following points, you will be informed about more benefits of green tea.

Benefits of green tea

Green tea contains anti-oxidants.

For protecting your skin you obviously need to get rid of environmental stressors, UV radiation, and other kinds of harmful things you need anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are the most powerful solutions green tea can provide for our skin protection. For skin DNA repair you need to drink green tea because green tea has EGCG* (epigallocatechin-3-gallate) responsible for repairing your skin DNA.

Green tea improves oily skin.

For whitening and for glowing skin green tea drinking and application can be the best solution. For oily complexion and skin with bacterial attacks, green tea may be used as it reduces the production of sebum and moisture in the skin as well.

Green tea is full of vitamin B3 or knowingly niacin and has great use in reducing redness, swelling, and skin irritation. Green tea has vitamin E also. Vitamin E is greatly beneficial to glowing skin appearance and lessens moisture of the skin. You can apply green tea to soothe sunburn on the skin for green tea’s anti-inflammatory function.

Green tea helps prevents aging.

Green tea is used as an anti-aging treatment for many years. As this type of tea contains vitamin B2 and vast anti-oxidants it has great benefits to prevent your skin from showing age fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin B2 tightens skin and makes it firm in appearance.

Green tea soothes skin.

As green tea contains vitamin A that is known as Retinol, used to make skin smooth and improve skin texture. It can reduce psoriasis and eczema from the skin through its anti-inflammation function.

Helps to remove skin acne, pimples, and spots on the skin.

According to studies*, polyphenols in green tea reduce acne when applied. This agent is also used to damage skin cells that can cause skin cancer. It also contains caffeine which is responsible for reducing puffiness of the skin and reducing pimples on the skin.

Helps skin brighten and beautify.

To beautify and brighten your skin you can use green tea. Vitamin C also works as anti-oxidant remains in green tea. Green tea hydrates and draws out pores and works as a skin toner as at the same time making skin look younger.

You can use green tea as a drink or herbal treatment. Both using have certain benefits for your skin. Studies show that you can drink green tea before exercise, two hours before going to sleep, and between 10-11 Am in the morning. It will give you the proper benefits of drinking green tea. But in terms of applying green tea to your skin, you should use tea extract, not green tea oil.

From the following FAQs, we will learn more.

Is green tea good for skin?

As recognized studies show, green tea is very conducive to the skin, especially for its hydration and anti-inflammatory functions. It can reduce the risks of skin cancer and glow your skin.

Which green tea is best for skin?

There are several types of green tea. But these classifications are caused by its processing and extraction procedures from Camellia Sinesis leaves. According to green tea processing matcha tea is a type of green tea that is very beneficial to the skin as it contains higher levels of anti-oxidants rather than regular green tea.

Is green tea good for pimples?

Yes, green tea is very beneficial for removing spots and pimples from the skin. Green tea contains polyphenols and caffeine which are very effective to reduce pimples gradually.

Is green tea good for oily skin?

For protecting your skin green tea shrinks the production of excessive sebum and thus reduces oily and moistness of the skin. Oily skin is caused by bacterial attacks and green tea ingredients reduce oily substances from the skin surface.

How to use green tea for skin whitening?

It’s too normal to use green tea on your skin for whitening. Just boil water, then pour the water and put a green tea bag or leaves into the water and stir. After stirring for 5-10 minutes you should make it cool for 30 minutes. If you have acne, then you may add special oils to it. At last, you pour the tea into a spritz bottle. From the bottle, you just spray it on your expected skin area and you may use your fingers to apply it properly.

Can we apply green tea on face?

Yes. You can use green tea on your face without any hesitation. Green tea has no detrimental substances to harm your face skin. Though too much frequent use may cause harm because usually, human face skin is very soft and sensitive.

Full of vitamins.

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