Top 4 Health Benefits Of Black Tea With Lemon | Lemon Black Tea – Tea Culture of the World Skip to content

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Black Tea, With A Side Of Lemon!

Black Tea, With A Side Of Lemon!

The most commonly consumed tea in the world, Black Tea is full-bodied and treasured by tea lovers across the world. Owing to its robust flavours, black tea can sometimes be a little harsh on your taste buds. For those who aren’t a big fan of the bitterness but still find themselves coming back to the beverage, a few drops of lime are the perfect addition to the mix!

The tangy taste of lemon adds just the right amount of drama to the sophistication of black tea brews! The citrusy flavour makes them more refreshing and a little less bitter. Consuming black tea with lemon comes with a treasure trove of health benefits as well!

Benefits Of Black Tea With Lemon

Aids With Weight Management:

Yes, you can consume Black tea with lemon for weight loss! But, you have to maintain a healthy diet and a regular workout regime alongside it. Both black tea and lemon are diuretics that help you do away with bloating. Combine the two into a blend and you get a fantastic fat-burning brew that keeps your calorie count in check.

Helps Fight Free Radicals:

Lemon is a powerful antioxidant; as is Black tea! An antioxidant-rich black tea brew with lemon can help fight free radicals in the body that cause various diseases and accelerate aging. Consuming a brew or two a day can help keep nerve-damaging diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s at bay. It can also help you fight early signs of ageing.

Can Cure A Sore Throat:

Relief from a sore throat is one of the primary benefits of Black Tea with lemon. Lemon extract eliminates toxins, and honey relieves your throat from irritation. You can sip on this brew daily but limit the consumption to a cup or two per day - this is just the right amount to nurse you back to health in no time.

Promotes Iron Absorption:

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, containing traces of vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, and calcium as well. Tea is known to reduce the absorption of iron in the body. Lemon, on the other hand, enhances the absorption of iron. It encourages tissue growth and repair, strengthening your immune system. Adding it to black tea only makes the brew healthier and lighter!

Black Tea With Lemon Recipe

Curate an exclusive tea indulgence to experience the black tea with lemon benefits:

- Assemble the ingredients: Water, fresh Black tea leaves, thin slices of lemon, cinnamon stick, and sugar or honey.

- Scoop 1 teaspoon of the leaves into a teapot.

- Add the tea leaves, cinnamon stick, and lemon slices to it.

- Pour 200ml of water freshly boiled at 100°C over the ingredients.

- Let the infusion steep for 4 minutes.

- Pour the fresh tea into a cup and garnish the brew with a lemon slice.

- Enjoy a soothing cup when the cravings kick in; add sugar or honey, if required.

For black tea enthusiasts that love their brews with a tinge of tanginess, Tea Culture of the World has an exotic infusion for you - the Lemongrass Classic Tea Blend! The citrusy flavour of lemongrass and the robustness of rich black tea blend into the perfect brew, guaranteed to uplift the spirit and energise you. Order online today to experience the benefits of Black Tea with lemon!

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